Moved By Love Foundation

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Moved by Love


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Moved by Love

Being a Caregiver poses a specific set of challenges along with promises made to loved ones to remain there until the end. These experiences can sometimes take a toll on the Caregiver. Realizing the gap in services and care for Caregivers, Moved by Love, Inc. was formed with this audience in mind to provide assistance and some peace of mind to these extraordinary’ individuals while they undertake one of the most important roles an individual can play.

Our Services

Our financial assistance program caters to various challenges and expenses faced by families, including carfare, utilities, food expenses, medical expenses, and more. Our assistance contribution varies according to the recipients’ financial standing and needs. We conduct a thorough assessment to ensure our donations and funding reaches the right candidates. As a non-profit organization, we strive to maintain transparent and accountable services. If you have a family member suffering from long-term illness and need financial assistance, contact us, and our agents will assist you through the process.






Food Expenses


Medical Expenses

Who We Are

Moved By Love, Inc. is a registered, tax-exempt, non-profit organization that aims to lower the financial burden of Family Caregivers by offering financial assistance. We support the community and families by reducing the financial burdens incurred by Family Caregivers while caring for family members with a disability or illness. We are passionate about serving the community and strive to benefit Caregivers in dire need of financial assistance.

What We Do

Our financial assistance program is based on eligibility and given in the form of grants. Our financial assistance program does not hand over cash payments to eligible Family Caregivers but reimburses or covers expenses such as utilities, food bills, carfare, medical bills, etc. All our recipients undergo a strict vetting process to authenticate their need for financial assistance, which allows us to redirect funds in the right direction.

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers are an essential part of our organization that allow us to extend our reach and help eligible caregivers.

Janae Johnson

Intern / 2021-12-01

Mark Brockett

Writer / 2021-11-01

Emanuel Vargas

Software Engineer / 2021-11-01

Brianna Vargas

Research Assistant / 2021-12-01

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